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14 sty 20245 minut(y) czytania
Pytest paralel testing with xdist plugin
One of the most hot topics for business people in the IT industry is "test parallelism".

13 sie 20239 minut(y) czytania
Test Automation Antipatterns - Examples and How to Avoid Them
Learn how to identify and avoid test automation anti-patterns that can lead to messy and hard-to-maintain code.

5 sie 20233 minut(y) czytania
Embracing the Power of Page Object Model (POM) in Python Test Automation
Unlock the potential of test automation with the Page Object Model (POM) and Factory Pattern in Python.

1 sie 20234 minut(y) czytania
Revolutionizing Pytest Testing with Page Object Model
Welcome to the next chapter of our software testing journey! In this post, we will revamp our existing code to follow a more POM-ish way.
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